Here you go, etymological lesson of your day: the origin of the word "chickpea" comes from the French word 'chiches', meaning chick, which comes from the Latin word 'cicer'. Who knew? Total coincidence... I thought to my self, "Self, wouldn't it be obnoxious to title this recipe in French?" Lo and behold, I discover an interesting and most likely useless piece of information. However, next time I find myself in France... or French Canada (I miss you Montreal!), I can ask if that hummus I'm eyeing is made from chickpeas.
and yes, I also cross-referenced with Wikipedia ;-)
To break down the rest of the title, by the way, it translates to "A Feast of Chickpeas." The word 'chiches' makes me think of 'chicha', which is a homemade wine of sorts in Chile... it'll grow hair on your chest!
So I literally grabbed a can of chickpeas and a can of corn, then I started to toss in a TBS of this, a tsp of that, chanelling a witch from Macbeth! Then I just baked and baked and stirred and stirred until I got the right texture. I didn't want hot or mushy chickpeas. I was going for more crunch (fail by the way, but a phoenix of success rose from 'crunchy' ashes)... I broke down and broiled for a few minutes after I had baked most of the moisture away. Viola, success nonetheless! (OK, for those of you who don't read my recipes all the way, scroll down past the directions and check out what I discovered!)
Ps, served over greens, this becomes a ssh-alad ;) But it can easily be served over grains or pasta--in fact, I bet it would be awesome with spaghetti. I went with greens because we ODed on potato chips and will be consuming copious amounts of ice cream later with cake and I made caramel topping since, well, not like I can easily find vegan caramel topping for our ice cream. Not light by any means, but here's the recipe (All-Hail-Isa!):
Une Fete Du Pois Chiches!
4 servings, 240 calories per serving with 2 cups of greens and 1 tsp agave.
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 can sweet corn kernels, drained and rinsed
1 TBS raw cashew pieces
2 tsp coconut oil (or other)
1 TBS dried parsley flakes
1 TBS garlic powder
1 TBS dried minced onion (flakes)
1 TBS nooch
2 TBS breadcrumbs
1 tsp each cumin, ground ginger
1/2 tsp salt
A light sprinkle of cayenne, optional
1 tomato, cut into eighths
8 cups mixed greens (or more if you're like me and like your greens... and you should)
4 tsp agave or maple syrup, divided
additional red pepper flakes or cayenne, also optional
1. Heat oven to 350F. In a 9x13, add chickpeas through salt and mix really well. Sprinkle cayenne very lightly and evenly over the mixture. Remember, a little goes a looooong way.
2. Bake 45 minutes, stirring about four times... after the first 15 minutes, then after 10 more... the next 10 and at the end. They mixture should be browning and cooking through.
3. Flip a magic switch and change to broil (500F). At about 6 inches or so from the heating apparatus set the pan and broil the chickpeas about 4 minutes. Remove, stir, and return. Broil another 3 minutes, checking after 2 for burning.
4. Serve over mixed greens, top with tomatoes. Drizzle 1 tsp agave per serving, sprinkle lightly with red pepper flakes or cayenne for an awesome added kick.
Above: pre-matered... also, brighter picture... when I added the tomatoes the whole thing got dimmer, and I can't decide which is better so I'm posting both.
Above: with maters... so yummy!
Ha, so on a whim I just typed in 'une fete du pois chiches' into google and there's actually a website! Laugh Out Loud, yo! This is their "mascot":
Oh my, so cute!! My French is reeeeEEEEeeeally rusty, but it seems to honor the legend of rebellious and savage chickpeas that cultivate themselves from within the gardens of a Nordic city... and now they sing and dance and paint and delve into joyous feasts and libations in exaltation of those fierce chickpeas?! I'm not kidding... Check out the 'Galerie Photos'. The Norse Gods Are Smiling! Nay! They are partying down!
And by the way, this is the caramel sauce I made :-)
Every fiber of my being was fighting the urge to dip in a spoon a fifth time for a taste... Quality control!
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