Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Roasted Garlic Crunchy Risotto

Now, this risotto doesn't have to be crispy, but it is indeed worth it.  Millet makes everything better.  No, it's not bird food.  Ok, it is part of bird food, but it should be included in all human-food bags too.  Whether uncooked, toasted or prepared with water/broth, millet is truly an awesome grain.  I recommend it highly.  In today's installment of 'Gee, what's good in the pantry?', millet reigns supreme.  It has taken a pretty straightforward risotto to a new level, adding a dimension not usually found in a soft rice dish.  
Risotto, contrary to popular belief, does not require beaucoup cheese.  In fact, risotto just requires a good quality rice that makes a creamy base.  Arborio rice is a great choice.
Rice cooker?  Yes, please! Thank you for taking care of the arduous task of making risotto.  Gone are the days of slaving over a stove for 20 minutes.  Second-best-kitchen-appliance gives me the opportunity to walk away and bust butt in a few rounds of Tetris.  

4-6 servings

2 cups uncooked arborio rice, prepared according to package directions or in a rice cooker.
2 TBS roasted garlic
1/4 cup fresh basil, sliced into thin strips or torn by hand
2 TBS toasted wheat germ (optional but awesome)
2 TBS raw or toasted millet
1/2 tsp salt, ground black pepper to taste
Pictured above: Roasted Garlic, Fresh Basil and Toasted Wheat Germ.

1. Prepare rice.
 Rice cooker is set to white rice...

2. Tear basil by hand or go for the chiffonade.
Order doesn't really matter since everything will be mixed eventually but I placed the basil in the bottom of the bowl first.
3. Add cooked rice (however much you want to serve.  It was the only thing for dinner plus an awesome dessert so I went with a bit more rice than I would usually serve if it were a side dish). 
4. Mix it up and then add equally divided doses of millet and wheat germ. 
 5. Mix again and viola!  You have a really great meal ready to be enjoyed immediately while it's still warm! 
Fantastic, can't wait to make it again!  Except I ran out of rice...

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