Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vanilla Lavender Porridge

In my attempts to make more breakfasts, since it's not just about what I made for dinner, I find a variety of grains available in my pantry.  These came from the brilliant thought of making my own muesli, which has been quite successful.  But, as all things do... that was a fad and I neglected the whole grains for granolas and pancakes and bagels (the last I have not made successfully).
So when I ran out of oats for porridge, I go to my secret stash-- a beverage cooler full of grain flakes (and one bag of oat bran).  I have rye, barley, oat bran, and I'm sure a couple of others...  They all work interchangeably for porridge, which is quite convenient.

This morning it's Vanilla Lavender!  I think I'm going to end up with a whole porridge section when I finally break all these recipes into categories ;-)

2 servings

Now, this is not for everyone.  [Culinary] lavender is an acquired taste.  You either love it or can't stand it.  Lucky for me, Rod likes it.  

1 cup barley flakes (or oats...rye...)
2 cups milk
1 TBS agave nectar (or maple syrup)
1/2 TBS culinary lavender
2 tsp vanilla
teeny pinch of salt

1. Cook the oats and milk until thick.

2. Add the lavender and agave, then stir well.
...after stirring...

3. Add the vanilla and pinch of salt, stir again.

4. Dish out and enjoy!

I think I overdid it with the bowls... they were rather large for the size of the serving, so it looks like I'm starving us.  It's all about perspective...
Pleasant and yummy.  If you've never had lavender, I suggest you start off with something else, like Lavender Shortbread Cookies.  Ooooh... I think I'm going to have to make these soon.... My mom has a bad-ass recipe for these little delights, I'll compare it with the link above.  Mom's is AMAZING, but I couldn't find the recipe online so once she sees this I bet she'll send it my way... right....???

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